Monday, December 11, 2006

X-Ray and Beyond!

Today we went to the We found out about X-Rays and how they detect bones in the body and objects that may have been swallowed. Also X-Rays are used to look at soft tissue. We then found out how X-Rays work they are similar to cisable light. The bones absorb the X-ray and don't allow the light to pass through. These areas appear white but the tissue doesn't absore the X-ray and this area appears gray. Having a X-Ray done is a type of ionizing radation which can cause mutate DNA and lead to cancer.

We then learned about the PET scan. ( Positron Emission Tomography) The PET scan doesn't image structures. This scan is used to identify cancer, Brain disorder, damaged hear tissue. it helps releave disease eailier than other medical tests. In the PET scan is radioactive sugar which is injected into the body. The radiation makes cells grow faster then the scan can detect these cancer cells. The PET scan is pertty safe for the radiation doesn't remain in the Body and the PET has less radiation than X-Rays or CT scan.

Next we looked at the ultrasound which enables docoters to see soft tissue, muscles and organ this scan is used for seeing blood flow and developing fetus in Pregant women. This scan is very sace because radiation isn't used. This ultrasound is used the same way a bat "sees". This uses sound waves soft tissues absourb the sound waves. The reflection turn into an image.

The MRI (Magnetic Resonance imaging) is good for detailed images. You might ask how it works? well.... organs and tissue in the body contain different amount of H2O the MRI makes H2O moecules line up ... the pulse make the images.. MRI don't use radiation but they do use very STRONG magnet forces so people with peacemakers and other medical diveice arn't allowed to be used with an MRI.

~JuLeS R.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this exhibit. We had the chance to learn about many tipes of modern medical imaging. Plus we got to han out in the MOS...!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed learing all the diffrences between all the types of x-rays..

~JuLeS R

Anonymous said...

this was a perfect playground for nerdy teenagers. it was fun, interesting, and better thatn all the other science exibits i had when too in my life. very interesting

- Spencer