Wednesday, December 13, 2006


We left BWH, jumped on the green line and travelled all the back to Cambridge to Dyax at 300 Technology Square. Making our way past one set of security guards we headed to the 8th floor, where we were greeted by Shannon and Judy. Both people were extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about biotechnology. Shannon regularly jumped up from his seat, ran to the wall (which was a giant whiteboard) and started furiously drawing enormous bacteria. From creating a library of antibodies to phase three of FDA testing, the creation of drugs that make it on to the market is clearly a long and arduous road. (For example: A current drug they are working on, started in 1981 and they are hoping to have on the market by 2008, that's longer than anyone in our group has been alive!)

Amazing fun fact: There are asthmatic rabbits.


Anonymous said...

I loved going to Dyax. I had heard about this expierence from my brother who also went. I loved going on the lab tour, and also learning about the creation of different medicines.


Anonymous said...

Going to Dyax was amazing i am so happy we got to talk with them since it is one of the area's of medicine which im intrested in! Ive talked with them and i might be able to job shadow some one but it isnt completely a set deal because i mioght not be able to go in the lab!? But i really loved it and im soo happy we got the chance to go talk with them!
